Monday, February 18, 2013

The Most Important Skill Required For Job Hunting

There are a lot of skills that are helpful when you’re looking for work.

You need initiative, resilience, writing skills, the ability to utilise your personal network and of course, all of the relevant skills to actually do the job that you’re applying for.

But there is one skill that is more important than any other.

It’s a skill that when combined with the above attributes can help to jettison you into your dream job.


It takes confidence to apply for jobs that you aren’t sure about.

One of the most common mistakes that clients make when looking for work is that they don’t apply for enough jobs.  They look at job ads and start to doubt themselves when they don’t quite meet all of the job requirements.  They suspect that they can do the job, but they lack the confidence to apply for the role, diminishing their chances of finding work.

When I come across clients in this situation, I ask them these two questions:

  • What if there is no applicant that meets the criteria for the job?
  • What if there is a perfectly suited applicant for the job who is unable to write a decent resume or application?

I’ve said before that the only guarantee in job hunting is that you won’t get a job that you don’t apply for, so you need confidence to send in your application even if you’re not sure that you’ll be successful.

It also takes confidence to interview successfully.

If you walk into an interview and aren’t confident in your ability to do the job, how can you expect the hiring manager to have confidence in you?

If you doubt yourself, you give others a reason to doubt you as well.

You need to be able to shake hands firmly, sell your skills boldly, look people in the eye and make a powerful impression with your body language.

You need confidence in yourself so that those around you can place their confidence in you as well.

If you’re looking for work or are keen to move up the ladder in your current industry, the most important skill that you need is confidence.

And the good news is, if you don’t have it yet, you can get it.

So start believing in your skills and that you deserve to have a flourishing career.

And get the confidence that you need to get the job you want!

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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