Monday, February 18, 2013

Experimenting with Audio: Effects in Audition

Since we are playing a lot with Photoshop and learning how to make strange photos, I thought I’d play around with Audition to see if I could make strange sounds. And I could.

So first things first, import the audio files by clicking the second file folder icon:Image

Now, select one of the files so that it shows up in the timeline:


Now, I like to use the Effects Rack because it has pre-set effects:


If it is not showing on the left-hand side already, or if you do not want to use the presets, you can simply choose the Effects option at the top of the window and either select or deselect the Show Effects Rack:


I’ve chosen the preset Weaponized Effects here:


This drastically changes the sound of my original clip, and if that’s not what you want, you can deselect certain filters by pressing the green power button:


You can create your own custom presets as well, just by clicking the icon next to the preset window:


Then you must select Apply for it to make the changes to your clip.

One of my favorite effects is Reverb. Audition has many different options. Here I’ve chosen the Surround Reverb effect:Image

Under Reverb Settings, I can change the Impulse:


Here I can make the audio file sound as if it were recorded somewhere else!

There are a million other ways to play with effects, but these are what I’ve been playing with the most so far, and I think the Reverb effects might be helpful for spicing up any interviews or spoken word.

– Melissa

Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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