Monday, February 18, 2013

Commenting in Web Design/Development

Commenting is a helpful design method of communicating code author’s intentions and goals. For many Commenting is a way for future code editors to know what exactly was designed by the author. Users may also include helpful tips for their own use.

In javascript, commenting can be accommodated via the “//” signifier. So, to write a message to yourself or another designer you place // in front of the text you wish to avoid being processed for viewers. These javascript code signifiers will only work between <script></script> tags.


In HTML, you may use “<–“and “–>” as ends between the comments. This method is also used when you want to identify relevant document file locations.


In CSS, just as in Javascript, Commenting can be achieved via “/*” and “*/” paragraph signifiers.


Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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