Friday, January 11, 2013

Kids Still Love Board Games

My kids love all things digital.

They love computer games, watching DVD’s and playing on their Nintendo DS’s and Wii system.

The twins got their own CD players for their birthdays and it’s not unusual to hear Coldplay’s “Paradise” blaring from Logan’s bedroom.  He sings along and knows every word.

Such gadgets keep them occupied, keep them entertained and keep them quiet (most of the time), and for that we are occasionally grateful.

However, for all of the technology that our kids are immersed in, they still love board games.

Board games are not cool or trendy and they often take longer to set up than they do to play.

But my kids love them anyway.

It doesn’t matter if it’s something as simple as snakes and ladders.

They get to have our undivided attention while we play them.

They get to learn rules and maths.

They learn how to win and lose with grace and manners.

And as a family, we get to have a lot of fun together.

Our kids still love board games and as a parent, I should play them more often.

Do your kids still love board games?

If so, do you have any recommendations?

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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