Thursday, January 24, 2013

Q&A Site Quora Launches Free Blog Platform

Last week, LinkedIn announced they were shutting down their Q&A section which prompted me to ask the question “are we over the Q&A concept?” Now here comes Quora with a new twist – Blogs on Quora. I’m not sure if that helps or hurts my argument but let’s take a closer look.

The set-up is ultra simple. Name your blog, choose one of two plain themes, add a logo and you’re live. Now all you have to do is post. To test the system, I set one up to go along with my TV blog:

quora blogThe text editor has minimal options and there doesn’t seem to be a way to wrap the text around the photos. Maybe I’m missing something. As simple as it appears, I’m still confused.

Part of my confusion stems from my inability to locate blogs on the site without a direct link. There’s no button on the front page. They appear to be lumped in with the Q&A posts, some of which are pretty blog-like already.

For example, this popular blog (?) has been running for awhile but you have to click twice to get to the meat of the articles. The gentleman who runs it has quite a bit to say about Quora’s new blogging plan, most of which boils down to “it’s confusing.”

Here’s Quora’s pitch on why you should blog with them:

Active writers on Quora average 30,000+ monthly views and 350,000+ estimated annual views.

Our most active writers average 90,000+ monthly views and 1+ million estimated annual views.

Many great answers on the site go viral — read by tens of thousands of people.

They follow with this sub-header: Blogs on Quora are great for writers who don’t have an audience…

That’s insulting. It’s like saying, you might be brilliant, but you’re nothing without us. They do go on to say that it would also benefit people who already have a substantial following. I was skeptical until I discovered one thing; you can put affiliate links in your posts. If I can get 30,000 people to read my DVD reviews the potential for affiliate sales skyrockets.

The other upside is that Quora’s tagging system can get you hooked up right away with 1,000 of people who follow that tag.

They also added the ability to blog from their mobile app, so you can blog on the go.

There is a downside and it’s huge. If you come in through the front door, Quora requires you to login before you can proceed. If you have a blog URL, you can pass this barrier and go straight to the blog, so that’s good news.

As it stands, blogging on Quora has potential. The posting blank needs tweaking, the admin needs blog stats and a few other issues, but it’s a good start. And unlike WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger, people come to Quora looking for answers. If you have them, your blog could be a hit.


Pilgrim’s Partners: – Bloggers earn cash, Advertisers build buzz!

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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