Monday, November 12, 2012

A Big Announcement

As many of you would know, for the past two and a half years, I have been working full-time on the pastoral team at CityLife Church here in Melbourne and running our resume and career services business.

The time has come to make a change, so I have resigned my role with CityLife and from 2013, Karen and I will be operating our business on a full-time basis.

I am very excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to the new challenge.  Our business has gradually grown over the past couple of years and we believe that the time is right for us to make this change.

I still love CityLife and it will remain the church that our family attends.  I will always be grateful for the opportunity to work with such a terrific bunch of people and will remember my time on staff with great fondness.

However, I believe that this next chapter of life is the best use of my skills and abilities.  I feel a great sense of purpose about the work that Karen and I perform in helping people find meaningful work.  We are passionate about what we do and have a combination of skills that has enabled us to assist hundreds of people in their careers and we look forward to extending the reach of our influence.

I want to let you know about this change because I appreciate and value the support of my readers and want you to be aware of such significant events.  I added a couple of FAQ’s in case you’re interested:

What does our business involve?  Our business is called Advantage Resumes and Career Services and involves the following:

  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Career coaching
  • Interview preparation
  • Career workshops in schools and the community
  • Speaking on the subject of careers at churches, community events and schools

For more information, feel free to check out our website here or like our Facebook page here.

How will this change impact this blog?  I don’t anticipate any changes to the Better Life Coaching Blog, except that I hope to have the time to put some more thought into my writing.  I hope that this benefits the content on this site.  I guess time will tell if that’s the case.

When do I finish?  My last day at CityLife is on December 21, giving me a chance to have a couple of quiet weeks with the family over Christmas before the exciting process of building our business into a long-term viable operation begins.

Am I excited?  Very.  We have a lot of ideas for our business and to finally have the time and energy to implement them is something to look forward to.

Am I scared?  Terrified!  To launch from a small microbusiness to a full-time venture is daunting, but we strongly believe that this is the right thing to do and right time to act.  I am constantly writing on this blog that we need to look past our fears if we want to maximise our impact on the world.  I suppose that now is the time for me to take some of my own advice.

2013 and beyond will be an exciting adventure and I look forward to the future.

I would appreciate your prayers and thoughts in the coming weeks and months as we move into this new chapter of life.

I can’t predict the future, but I am sure that God will go with us, no stone will go unturned in trying to make this venture a success and the best is yet to come.

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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