Saturday, January 26, 2013

18 More Handpicked Goodies For Web Developers & Designers For January 2013

Since I’ve posted 35 New Handpicked Goodies For Web Developers & Designers For January 2013  last week, I’ve been some more looking around the web for some more goodies for web developers and today’s post is where you can find all even more great goodies that I’ve found more CSS tools, Responsive & HTML5 frameworks new jQuery plugins and plenty helpful desktop, web and mobile based apps

 jQuery Plugins



Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter’s Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers.



scrollNav is a light jQuery plugin that grabs your page’s existing content, divides it up into logical sections and builds a customizable scrolling sidebar navigation. Scroll this page and watch it follow along with you.



Fields.js creates collections of fields. Each field is constantly evaluated for validity, and is accessible through the collection.A field is any uniquely named text-based input, select, textarea, group of radio inputs, or group of checkbox inputs.



noUiSlider is a little jQuery plugin that allows you to create range sliders. It fully supports touch, and it is way(!) less bloated than the jQueryUI library.

Color Thief


A script for grabbing the dominant color or color palette from an image. Uses Javascript and the canvas tag to make it happen.



LoremImages is a jQuery plugin for populating your web content with random images. It offers a wide array of options: Number of images, image width & height, choose images from a specific category (ie. Cars, fashion…) and you can also choose whether to load only black & white images or normal. Images are loaded from the LoremPixel service and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.



Selectik is a cross-browser and completely customizable alternative to the standard select form element all neatly wrapped up in an easy-to-use jQuery plugin. Here are some of its features:

  • TAB key control
  • Original select key control
  • Mouse wheel control
  • Search by first letter
  • Custom/default scroll
  • Smart positioning
  • Auto/custom width

CSS, Responsive, HTML5 & Frameworks

Responsive Boilerplate


Responsive Boilerplate is a minimalistic and lightweight (2kb) CSS3 grid micro-framework. It’s very easy to use and understand, having been built with only a single container and its 12 columns. It also comes pre-packed with some extra CSS helpers for mobile devices. Included in the download package are thae PSD Template, an HTML5 starting point file for fast development and two Sublime Text snippets for the CSS grid and the HTML file.



Ink is an interface kit for quick development of web interfaces, simple to use and expand on. It uses a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to offer modern solutions for building layouts, display common interface elements and implement interactive features that are content-centric and user friendly for both your audience and your designers & developers.

Canvas Query


Canvas Query is a wrapper library for HTML5 Canvas element which allows it to be used with jQuery like syntax. Also it adds a lot of common use image manipulation methods mainly convenient for gamedevelopers.

Literally Canvas


Literally Canvas is an extensible, open source (BSD-licensed), HTML5 drawing widget that currently supports a minimal set of drawing operations. You can draw, erase, set the color with the eyedropper, undo, redo, pan, and zoom. It depends on jQuery and Underscore.js.

Desktop, Mobile & Web Apps



Vagrant provides the framework and configuration format to create and manage complete portable development environments. These development environments can live on your computer or in the cloud, and are portable between Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.



Apaxy is a customisable theme built to enhance the experience of browsing web directories. It uses the mod_autoindex Apache module—and some CSS—to override the default style of a directory listing.



Prose is a web-based interface for managing text-based content in your GitHub repositories. Use it to create, edit, and delete files, and save your changes directly to GitHub.  Prose is great for making quick updates to your code or managing your blog.

Quote Robot


QuoteRobot makes it easy to write winning proposals, invoices, and contracts. Win more customers and get paid quickly by using your existing PayPal or Stripe merchant account for only $10 per month for unlimited use. The app integrates with some popular third party services like Highrise, FreshBooks, Xero, Google Apps etc. making it easier for you to pull data from an existing database.

Fake Images Please


When designing websites, you may not have the images you need at first. But you already know the sizes and inserting some placeholders can help you better seeing the layout. Don’t waste your time making dummy images for your mockup or wireframe. is a little tool that generates images with an URL. Choose the size, the colors, even the text. It’s free and open-source.



Feathers is a distraction-free writing app for the web. Forget about blogging: no settings to adjust, no themes to install, no tags to think, no preview to click.



Convertable is a fully web-based system, combining a simple online form builder with a database to allow you the ability to create a form, store form submissions online, and compare marketing channels. The email you get every time a lead comes in also contains the detailed information about the user’s visit to your site. Plus, it’s super simple to set up!

Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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