Thursday, January 24, 2013

Google Helps Audi Drivers Get Around

Google has teamed with Audi using Google Maps and Google Earth to help drivers find what they need and to more safely get from Point A to Point B.

In the process they are catering to a high end crowd that likely make corporate decisions as well. Hey, I bet the “if it’s good enough for Audi it’s good enough for us” strategy has more impact than one might think.

Here is a video from the Google Lat Long blog showing the service in a perfect world.

Notice that the language used to describe the program stays in line with the ‘beautiful’ motif that Google is using everywhere. Here it is ‘elegant’. That’s a far cry from the ‘engineered by engineers for engineers’ motto that seemed to define Google since the beginning.

“Progress through technology” is at the core of every Audi vehicle. For a driver, in-car technology brings several benefits, including safety, access to local map content and more efficient ways to reach a destination. When developing Audi connect™, we wanted to present our drivers with something that was functional, yet elegant. We were able to deliver this by enhancing our navigation system with Google Maps and Google Earth.

With all the focus on social it may be important for all of us to take a step back and realize just how much room for growth there is in search. 10 blue links (or some version thereof) will likely always be there but it’s not the only way to find out what you need. Why do you think Facebook’s Graph Search is happening or why Apple has decided to try to patchwork together a search environment with Maps, Siri and other pieces?

This kind of application also places heavy emphasis on the importance of local search. If you haven’t taken a deep dive into that realm yet you better start now. The water is deep and quite murky.

So, would you like to have this kind of service in your car? Remember, I didn’t ask if you wanted an Audi (admittedly they are sweet) but just the service.

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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