Sunday, January 27, 2013

OOPS! Mistakes, and How to Get Rid of Them

Sometimes we make mistakes. We’re human. It’s okay. Thankfully, if you caught something on camera that you don’t want, there are multiple ways to get rid of them.

Let’s begin with the patch tool (it should be the 7th icon down):


So here’s a photo I took of my cat. The thing about cats is…they move. So when you have the opportunity to get a good photo, you don’t have time to remove any unwanted items:


Let’s begin by using the patch tool to get rid of that wire and laptop. All you have to do is trace the area that looks good:


And then drag that area over to the unwanted object:


Now you can do that a couple times, and while it will make the object disappear, it might leave some dark spots:


This is when I bring in the Spot Healing tool (it should be in the same spot as the patch tool):


With this guy, you just click and drag him over the spot that need to be corrected:


Just make sure you don’t get too close to contours, or you’ll have some crazy reformations of the image:


This is where you might use the Healing Brush tool, which is in the same spot:


This way, you can choose the area that the healing brush blends. Simply press ALT and your cursor should change into a crosshair. Click the part of the image you want your unwanted object to look like. Then when you begin to click on the unwanted object, a small cross will appear:


This shows you from where the image is blending. You also have to be careful about hitting contours with this brush as well — make sure you know where your little cross is at all times. Otherwise you get ghosts:


(This can be used to your advantage for strange photos, though.)

Anyway. The final image should look something like this:Image

No insane dark spots, no unwanted objects. Just cat. All cat.

- Melissa

Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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