Monday, January 28, 2013

Screenshots for DIY Blog

Alright so clearly a lot of you are way ahead of me on this one but, I’ll be honest, until now, I’ve had no idea how you all were uploading pictures to the blog to help illustrate your ideas. So this week I did something about it and figured out just how to take a picture of my screen and upload it to this here blog post. Sorry for the slowness of my learning, but this is a big step for me.

I have a mac so hopefully anyone who needs to get on board with this is also mac-savvy. If you’re on a PC, google might be your best bet.

First, pull up the page, picture, or screen that you’d like to capture. Once you’ve located this image, simultaneously hold down Shift + Command + 3 to take a picture of the entire screen or Shift + Command + 4 to select a certain area of the screen. Once you do this, it will automatically save the image to the desktop.

Then, start a new post here on wordpress. At the top left of the textbox you’re typing in, there’s an Add Media button. Click that and on the ensuing menu, drag in the screen shot you’d like in your post. Click Insert into Post at the bottom right and you’re good to go. You might have to toggle around a bit to place the picture where’d you like within the textbox.

So there you go. Also, enjoy this picture (screenshot) of an awesome album cover from an awesome band.


Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 10.11.19 PM

#screenshot, #mac, #wordpress

Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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