Saturday, January 19, 2013

35 New Handpicked Goodies For Web Developers & Designers For January 2013

As web developers and web designers, we constantly looking at the sheer amount of new resources, tools and applications that we can tap into increases exponentially with time.

And here is just a quick look at some recently created resources that deserve your attention — everything from new CSS tools, Responsive & HTML5 frameworks.  And for those WordPress lovers I’ve includes some plugins and themes and including showing you some of the latest and greatest  jQuery plugins and plenty more handpicked goodies right down below.

JavaScript & jQuery Plugins



Aware.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows a site to customise and personalise the display of content based on a reader’s behavior without requiring login, authentication, or any server-side processing.

Aware.js will track a reader’s visits, flag content as new or seen and can insert relative bookmarks (to clearly delineate content added since the reader’s last visit). It then makes information available to developers via CSS classes AND via a Javascript reader object.



Flowtime was built on top of a solid full page grid layout and is a framework for building HTML presentations with ease. The animations are managed with native and accelerated CSS3 transitions and JavaScript takes care of the navigation behavior and adds advanced functionality and configuration options.



Dropzone.js is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads by simply including a java-script file. It views previews of images and you can register to different events to control how and which files are uploaded.



Continuum is a JavaScript virtual machine built in JavaScript. It assembles bytecode from sourcecode and executes it in an ES6 runtime environment. The code of the VM is written in ES3, which means it can run in older browsers like IE6.



Rainbow is a code syntax highlighting library, written in Javascript, that allows you to style your code exactly how you want via CSS. It has been developed to be a lightweight script at just only 1.4kb and to be a easy to use and extendable script.



Analytics.js is an easy solution for integrating analytics into any web app. It does this by not littering your code with third-party-specific calls. Instead of adding hooks for every single analytics service you integrate, you only add a single set of provider-agnostic hooks that then route to any analytics service you wish. Nice and simple!



Maskew is a lightweight and mobile-friendly Javascript library (with optional jQuery plugin) that will ‘skew’ the shapes of elements without distorting their contents.



xCharts, using D3.js, is an easy to use JavaScript library for building custom data-driven chart visualizations. Unlike many other charting libraries all visualization styling can be achieved directly through CSS, giving you the control to handle the visualization however you want. xCharts has been designed to be dynamic, fluid, and open to integrations and customization.



AppJS is an SDK for developing desktop applications using Node.js combined with Chromium (providing the JS, HTML5, CSS, SVG, WebGL). Developing desktop applications with AppJS couldn’t be easier as it uses the same libraries and knowledge used to build websites.

CSS Frameworks, Responsive Things & HTML5



“A theoretical grid for today’s layout challenges.” Bedrock is a responsive, mobile-first 18 column grid that has been designed to easily extend your current grid framework with its mobile classes, in the same way that the Foldy utility does for the



Built using SASS and CSS3 media queries, Centurion is a responsive web framework that scales with your device. No longer do you need to worry about the screen size of an iPhone or an Android tablet since Centurion does the work for you.

Profound Grid


Built in SCSS, Profound Grid is a responsive grid system. Its flexible grid can be either fluid or fixed and you can add per-media layouts as required (by changing the column and gutter widths or adding/removing columns). Unlike other grid systems, Profound Grid uses negative margins to calculate columns, so that fluid layouts will look exactly the same in every browser.



Junior is a front-end framework for building native looking HTML5 mobile apps. It features CSS3 transitions optimized for mobile performance, swipable carousels using flickable.js and integrates with backbone.js views and routers.

Mac & Web Apps

MailTab for Gmail (Mac App)


MailTab for Gmail is the ideal app for instantly accessing your Gmail account without having to open your web browser. Download it for free and benefit from visual and audio mail notifications, quick access to your inbox and the ability to respond to mails at lightning speed.

After downloading, simply click on the MailTab icon in the top menu bar whenever you want to check your Gmail account and you will be presented with a beautiful little window containing the Gmail mobile interface.

MailTab for Gmail allows you to overcome email overload by increasing the speed at which you can access and respond to your emails.  For OS X Lion users, we have now added in-app purchases to allow you to unlock extra features such as opacity control, desktop mode with chat and removal of advertisements.

Cloudship (Web App)


With Cloudship you can get organized in the simplest and most productive way. Add your tasks in a second and order them as you wish. It’s really very easy to use!  Cloudship will help you focus on the tasks you have to do today and on the tasks that are important. Using the search box, you can find any task immediately. With Cloudship you will have everything under control!

Bootstrap Magic (Web App)


Bootstrap Magic, built with AngularJS, is a super-simple Bootstrap themes generator that gives you a live preview of any changes as you make them. The generator does support Less and all of its functions and you can also download your personalized CSS either minified or not.

Extensionizr (Web App)


With Extensionizr you select the settings you want, choose the permissions and within moments you will have generated a foundation/boilerplate for your Chrome extension. Extensionizr is a client-side only tool.

Framer (Web App)


Framer is a modern prototyping tool that can help you quickly build and test complex interactions and rich animations for both desktop and mobile (works great in desktop and mobile Safari or Chrome). It uses webkit CSS transforms to render on the GPU for smooth performance.

Mockup Designer (Web App)


Mockup Designer, built with Backbone, Backbone-LocalStorage and Html2Canvas, is a super-easy-to-use mockup tool that uses the local storage of your browser as its backend. However the data layer is loosely coupled, so you can integrate with any RESTful API or any Backend service.

WordPress Themes & Plugins

Celestial – Lite – Free WordPress Theme


Celestial Lite is a Bootstrap responsive theme incorporating crisp lines and great colours to enhance the look and functionality of your website. You also have the option to customize Celestial Lite from the newer theme Customizer that is now available in WordPress so that you can now change colours to personalize it your way.

Appliance – Free WordPress Theme


Appliance is a clean and minimalist theme that is ideal for blogs / magazines / portfolios. Spacious, minimalist, clean, light and very fast to load.

Moby Elite – Premium WordPress Mobile Theme $25


Moby – Elite is a Mobile WordPress Business Template written in HTML5 with clean code and structure, which can be customized very easily according to your business needs.

Features: Theme Options Panel Supports All major phones & tablets Flexi Touch Slider Contact Form 5 Color Schemes HTML5 Validated Accordion Files in Moby package 25 Fully commented HTML pages 5 Fully layered PSD Files Documentation Note: If you like to preview the template on your smartphone, please close ThemeForest item preview frame on top first so it shows up accordingly

OneShot – Premium WordPress Theme $40


OneShot is a bold, beautiful & dark theme helping creatives share their work, a truly original choice for sharing your photographs, illustrations, logos, videos or just about anything.

SO Mobile Map Widget – WordPress Plugin

SO Mobile Map Widget

SO Mobile Map Widget is meant for websites that target browsing via mobile devices. This widget adds a mobile-optimised Static Google Map Image with a colored pin centered on your destination. Once clicked it opens the Google mobile maps website where you can fill in your Current Location if it is not already there.

Then you can see the directions from your location to the destination as well as the map with the route of your choice. Optimised for mobile use. Google Static Maps API-key is optional.

Simple History - WordPress Plugin

Simple History

Simple History shows recent changes made within WordPress, directly on your dashboard or on a separate page.  The plugin works as a log/history/audit log/version history of the most important events that occur in WordPress.

There is also a RSS feed of changes available, so you can keep track of the changes made via your favorite RSS reader on your phone, on your iPad, or on your computer. It’s a plugin that is good to have on websites where several people are involved in editing the content.

WP Ads Within Contents – WordPress Plugin

WP Ads Within Contents

WP Ads Within Contents gives you facility to show Ads Within Post. You can Show ads Before and After the Content. You can also use ShortCode [AdsWithin] to place ads within contents.

Design Items, Fonts & News

The jQuery Plugin Registry

The jQuery Plugin Registry

On Wednesday, the jQuery Foundation relaunched their jQuery Plugin Registry with a much improved UI, providing a single source for plugins.

V.GER Grotesque – Free Font

V-GER Grotesque

Blyth – Free Font


Myra – Free Font

Myra free font

Social Circles – Free Social Icons

Socialcircles - Free social icons

144 Minimal Icons

144 minimal icons

75 Free Buttons For Online Payment Service Providers

Free Buttons For Online Payment Service Providers

Tri Fold Brochure Mock-up Template

Tri Fold Brochure Mock-up Template

Responsive Browser – Free UX Kit

responsive browser ux kit

Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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