Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 Things I Want To Do More in 2013

As I look to the year ahead, I’m full of excitement.

Karen and I will be fully launching our business, giving us endless opportunities and I am eagerly anticipating the future.

However, I’m also aware that to keep progressing and growing, I need to continue to make changes.  Growth won’t just happen by accident and the goals that I have for the year are too challenging to be achieved on autopilot, so if I replicate 2012 with my actions, then the desired results won’t come.

As a consequence, here are 10 things that I want to do more in 2013:

  1. Reach out and connect to others
  2. Act instinctively
  3. Exercise
  4. Express myself in love
  5. Use my expertise to speak with boldness and clarity
  6. Encourage others to greatness
  7. Learn and apply what I’ve learned
  8. Hang out with Karen and the kids
  9. Sit and pray in silence
  10. Fast

These 10 things aren’t the same as new years resolutions.  I still have specific and measurable goals that I want to achieve, but I know that if I carve out time to do each of these activities more, then the year ahead will be an exciting adventure full of new experiences and opportunities to impact the world.

What do you want to do more of in 2013?

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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