Monday, November 12, 2012

Making Movie Magic with Color Tools

So, you got some great footage for your movie, but the whole thing still feels a little dull. Even with cool cuts and opacity, something is still missing. Sound familiar? This is a feeling I experienced with my movie recently. No matter how much I edited, it still seemed to lack that really visually appealing quality. Fortunately, just like Photoshop, Adobe Premiere offers several helpful tools to make your colors pop, allowing you to get truly artistic with this creative project.

I tried a number of different techniques to make my colors look great, so I’ll just briefly discuss some of my favorites on this week’s post.

When editing some rather dead-looking leaves in my video, I used the “Change Color” tool at the bottom to add some surreal hues to the scene. The leaves I filmed did have a yellow hue, but I wanted to emphasize that yellow even more, so I clicked the box next to “Color to Color” to choose the perfect shade of yellow for my video.

One of the coolest things about this tool is that it will gradually bloom into the color you want, so instead of all of a sudden flashing a bright red object on the screen for example, the tool will start off with browns, burgundies and maroons before slowly developing into the bright red you’re looking for. This had an extra cool effect with the rainbow sequence I created with my coloring.

Oh and one tip before you make any edits: make sure to always use the little grenade-looking icon on the side of the editing topic before you begin editing, since this will actually apply the editing to you video. Seems simple, but trust me, I missed this a few times during my first few tries with Premiere.

Brightness and contrast were also my favorite tools for enhancing some of the lights I had in my video. Since I was playing with lights mostly, I tended to tone down the brightness and maximize the contrast for a cool effect. However, depending on how surreal you want your image to look, you usually don’t need too much of a contrast when editing colored lights.

And there you have it. Just a couple cool, simple ways to give your movie a bit more color.

- Natalie Russell

Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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