Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cyber Monday Stats: Online Sales up 30 Percent with a Big Boost From Mobile

Yesterday, Frank gave you the skinny on Black Friday sales as detailed by IBM. Today, I’m here to give you the same on Cyber Monday.

Let’s start with the basics. Online sales were up 30.3% over last year. That’s very good news and here’s the breakdown.

Couple of interesting points here. Customers bought more items per order this year but had a lower Average Order Value than in 2011. That says people are working to get more for less. What’s hard to see is how 2012 ended up with higher sales overall when the average order was less. I’m guessing that means more individual people bought online on Cyber Monday than last year.

Mobile had a lot to do with the success of Cyber Monday. Mobile sales accounted for close to 13% of sales (not so much) but that’s up 96% from last year. The iPad drove more online sales than any other mobile device with usage up 118%.

Folks also used their Amazon Kindle to shop (2.6%), their Barnes and Noble Nook (0.6%) as well as their smartphones.

As with Black Friday, social media lagged behind, actually losing ground since 2011. Facebook referral traffic was down almost 14% and Twitter didn’t even show up to the party this year. Amazing.

Looking at the combined numbers from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it would suggest that marketers should be spending more money and effort on developing a mobile strategy than on social media. What do you think about that?

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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