Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do It With Elan

English: Serbian Knight

Knight (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Whatever you do on a daily basis, you have a choice.

You can do it in a routine manner, going through the motions and blending in with the crowd.

Or you can do it with elan.

The word elan means zeal, impetuous ardour or flair and comes from a middle French word that means “to throw a lance.”

The origin of the word gives me the mental image of a knight from the middle ages, charging on horseback towards his opponent, emblazoned with colour and livery, cheered on by swooning women, fearless, daring and smiling behind the grill of his helmet.

The person who goes through the usual routine may get the job, but that’s all.

The person who does it with elan gets noticed, inspires others and has a lot of fun doing it.

Life’s too short to just go through the motions, so get on your horse, grab a lance and do it with elan.

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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