Thursday, November 29, 2012

Best Time to Publish Blog Posts? Sunday at 2:37 p.m. [Proof]

clock-watch-timeOne of those “this is the best time to publish blog posts” articles (an old one) was making the rounds on Twitter today, and I couldn’t resist the urge to throw cold water on the concept.

As I’ve said before, I think the whole concept is a load of crap.

It turns out that, just last week, I published one of the most popular articles I’ve ever written.

On a Sunday.

At 2:37 p.m. Pacific time.

No one in their right mind would ever suggest that Sunday afternoons are the perfect time to publish. In fact, some of the charts that the experts use to tell when you should post articles actually show that Sunday is the worst day!

But it sure worked for me. Have a look…

The Article That’s Killing It Right Now

This one: Why A Website Is More Important Than Facebook & Twitter

That was published on November 18 (a Sunday) at 2:37 pm PT.

Here are some of the stats for that article, as of 3:15 pm today:


  • Most popular page on the blog for all of November — more page views than the home page, even.
  • Time on page of 4:12 is significantly higher than site average of 2:57 (for November).
  • Fourth-most popular page on the blog over past two months — that includes all of my archives.
  • In just 11 days, it’s become the 25th most-popular page on the entire blog for all of 2012. The whole year!


  • Tied for the most comments of any article I’ve published in 2012.
  • More tweets than any other article I’ve published in 2012. (As best I can tell.)
  • Most Facebook likes/shares of anything published this year (as best I can tell).
  • Second-most Google+ shares of anything published this year (as best I can tell).

(Pssst: Is there a tool that lists all your content and charts how well each URL has performed socially? I had to manually look at my top articles to see which ones had the most tweets, shares, etc.)

I don’t do any lead-gen or conversion goals on this blog; my metrics are all traffic-related, not financial. And that article is absolutely killing it just nine days after being posted. On a Sunday at 2:37 p.m. So that’s clearly the best time to publish blog posts. (wink, wink)

Bottom Line

Sarcasm aside… as I’ve said before, there’s no “best time” to publish blog posts or post on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.

What matters is when is your audience online? And, more important than the time is the quality of your post.

So, stop worrying about trying to nail the perfect time to publish. It doesn’t exist.

(Stock image via Used under license.)

This is a post from Matt McGee's blog, Small Business Search Marketing.

Best Time to Publish Blog Posts? Sunday at 2:37 p.m. [Proof]

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Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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