Friday, November 30, 2012

Online Marketing News: 2013 Consumer Trends, Simplify Your Social Media, Zynga Stock Dips, Should Klout Matter?

10 Crucial Consumer Trends 2013

2013 marks a new year filled with new predictions and trends for consumers.  This new Slideshare presentation from provides insight into the top trends ranging from mobile to data mining.  Browse the presentation for a detailed report on these trends and what it means for your business.

3 Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing
The time it takes to post, respond, and monitor your social media marketing can eat up valuable time during the work week.  But don’t worry, there is a solution.  The three tools mentioned in this post will help simplify and manage your social media marketing efforts.  Via Social Media Examiner.

Zynga Agonizing As Facebook Gains Right To Develop Its Own Games
Zynga put out a statement announcing that they had come to an agreement with Facebook which would allow the social media giant to develop its own games starting in 2013.  Immediately following their statement, Zynga’s dropped more than 13%.  Via Forbes.

Social Leaders Get Teams Past the Velvet Rope
When you’re a marketer it can seem that you are sometimes expected to take a reactive role to the vision that has been handed to you.  Many employees in varying roles are afraid to step outside of their designated job description, which is a mistake.  This article provides sound advices for diving change in your organization.  Via InformationWeek.

7 Content Marketing Tips from the Best in Social Business
Content marketing is not a new concept, unless it’s in terms of social media marketing and engagement.  This article provides advice from experienced content marketers on how to create, product, optimize, and distribute content online.  Via Search Engine Journal.

Should Your Boss Care About Your Klout Score?
You may not care about your own Klout score, but that doesn’t mean you don’t make decisions based on other people’s score.  If services like Klout are used to measure the competitive advantage then how do you measure up?  Via Harvard Business Review.

TopRank Team News

Thom Craver – Bing Claims Shenanigans on Google’s Paid Shopping Results
Microsoft is claiming that their shopping search results are more “honest” since Google switched to a paid model which was announced last May.  Bing alleges that Google will not show you the most relevant shopping search results for your query but will decide what to show you, and how prominently to display what product offers they show.  Via Bing.

Jolina Pettice – 5 Social Media Publishing Lessons Brands Learned This Year
Many brands still aren’t ready to take off the social media training wheels.  Learn from other’s mistakes and take a peek at some faux pas brands made this year socially.  Via Content Marketing Institute.

Alexis Hall – ‘Tis the Season to Be Shopping
The holiday season is prime time for most retailers and social sites are busy promoting the benefit of brand specific tools and pages. Pinterest launches a business microsite, including brand best practices and guidelines. And Amazon now offers Amazon Pages, which will allow retailers to create customizable landing pages.  Amazon Pages integrates with Amazon Posts a social media dashboard which allows content to be published to Facebook and Amazon Pages.  These new opportunities sound like they have great potential for businesses to further integrate social into their marketing mix.  Via ClickZ.

Brian Larson – Master Your Brands LinkedIn Page
Marketers have known for some time that LinkedIn is now much more than just a recruiting tool for HR, but are you taking full advantage of the engagement features and benefits this evolving network offers? It’s likely a time to reevaluate your brand’s LinkedIn profile and discover these easy tips – courtesy of Social Media Examiner – to more effectively manage your profile.  Via Social Media Examiner.

Evan Prokop – 10 Website Quality Indicators That Can Sink Your SEO Battleship
Received a warning from Webmaster Tools?  Don’t despair; read this informative article covering the 10 most common warnings, how to avoid them and how to recover if you get one.  Via Search Engine Watch.

Rob Bayne – Facebook and Pinterest Are the New Wedding Planners
1 in 10 brides updates Facebook within minutes of saying “Yes”, while one in three is within hours.  More brides are keeping up on wedding websites and blogs than are buying wedding magazines.  Learn all about the changing trends in tying the knot from this article, complete with infographic from @Mashable and @theknot!  Via Mashable.

Time to Weigh In: How do you think Zynga’s business model will have to changed based on their recent agreement with Facebook?  Do you track your Klout score or the score of your employees?  Have you ever made a hiring decision based on someone’s Klout score?  What is one social media lesson you’ve learned in the past year?

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© Online Marketing Blog, 2012. | Online Marketing News: 2013 Consumer Trends, Simplify Your Social Media, Zynga Stock Dips, Should Klout Matter? |

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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