Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How To Simulate An Incoming Call In An Android Emulator

Simulating an incoming call is almost the same as simulating an SMS text messsage in Android. This is particularly useful especially when developing mobile applications that integrates calling activities in its function.

To simulate incoming calls, just follow the steps below. Makes sure that you have your AVD up and running and that the Airplane mode is OFF.

If you are using linux / ubuntu, just follow the steps below:

Using Terminal

1. Bring up the Terminal window
2. In the Terminal window type: telnet

3. Then type: o localhost 5554
4. If successful you should get the message: Connected to localhost.
5. Then type: gsm call 654321
6. You should get a notification on your AVD when this sms text has been received.

Note: If you are using Windows, the steps you should be similar to that above.

Using Eclipse

1. In Eclipse click the Debug Mode button located at the top right corner of the Eclipse Window .
2. Click on the menu Window | Show View | Other. The Show View window will appear.
3. Select Android | Emulator Control. The Emulator tab will appear at the bottom of your Eclipse editor.
4. Fill in the fields as shown in the image below.

5. Click the Send button. This should send your text message in the AVD that is currently running.

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Tags: android tutorial

Source : htmlpress[dot]net


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