Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How To Add Files In Android Application’s Internal Storage

When testing applications involving text files, sometimes it is more efficient to create the files outside your application’s environment and push them into the Android Virtual Device (AVD).

To do this just follow the steps below:

1. In Eclipse click the Debug Mode button located at the top right corner of the Eclipse Window .
2. Click on the menu Window | Show View | Other. The Show View window will appear.
3. Select Android | File Explorer. The File Explorer tab will appear at the bottom of your Eclipse editor.

4. Expand the directories and go to /data/data/net.htmlpress.automobilelog/files.
5. On the upper hand of the File Explorer, click the push button (see image above). A file dialog box will appear.
6. Select the file to push and click Ok. The file should now be in your AVD.

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Tags: android tutorial

Source : htmlpress[dot]net


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