Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Boston.com Uses Advertisers’ Blogs As Part of Ad Package

Local Internet marketing is quite a puzzle for most businesses and even for most publishers. Display, while effective in certain ways, is usually not enough to get the point across for many businesses. Most small local businesses (and even large ones looking to reach a local market) have stories to tell that won’t fit in a display ad.

It’s for this reason that Boston.com is rolling out a new program called Insights. It’s a neat idea of taking real content from advertisers in the form of promoting blog posts in order to help Boston.com readers jump right into the conversation with advertisers because they are being exposed to real information that could help them. It could also help them make a decision to do business with the advertiser, errrrr, I mean blogger. Well, you get the picture. Take a look at this video to get the idea.

Is this the first program of its kind that does anything like this?

I don’t know but it’s the first one I have heard about and it can be even more than the promotion of blog posts. Here is a description of other service options from the press release for the service.

“This new program will be immensely valuable to our loyal advertisers, many of whom are seeking ways to get their content in front of more readers in a highly-targeted way,” said Rachna Agarwalla, Business Development Manager for The Boston Globe and Boston.com.

Three advertiser packages are available, featuring different levels of service. All packages offer blog promotion on relevant, location-based, news, sports and group content pages. Packages include a dedicated business page, mobile-optimization, print listings and Boston.com Insights badges for client blogs and websites.

Gotta admit, I like it. The local space is getting to where everyone (that is everyone who is actually involved in local Internet marketing which is a much smaller percentage than it should be) is doing most of the same things for success.

It will be the extra effort, extra credit points that will likely pay off in the local game. A program like this from one of the most powerful publishers in the Boston market could be a winner for the right business.

What’s your take?

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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