Wednesday, January 2, 2013

You Know Internet Industry News Is Slow When New iPhone Rumors Start

iphone rumorsI am ashamed.

I am about to aid and abet in one of the most heinous crimes that the online industry perpetrates on the poor unsuspecting masses for what seems to be 365 days a year now.

I am going to help perpetuate the, gulp, “We’ve seen next iPhone!” machine. My apologies but really, there isn’t anything else to say.

The Next Web says

Currently under development, traces of Apple’s new iPhone and iOS software have begun surfacing in app usage logs. Developers have contacted The Next Web to share references to a new iPhone identifier and the next big operating system update for the smartphone and tablet devices: iOS 7.

Cue the dramatic music. Start running those typewriter sounds in the background. It’s going to happen. Mashable says with apparent great certainty (insert Muttley laugh here).

Still, it’s possible that the next generation iPhone is already undergoing testing at Apple, even though it’s not likely to be launched before fall 2013. For comparison, a prototype of the iPhone 4 was unearthed several months before the phone was actually launched in June 2010.

Expect more ‘news’ like this as we move forward.

Once again, my apologies.

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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