Tuesday, November 13, 2012

WordPress Wednesday – 6 Top Plugins For Front-End Posting, Editing & Upload

It’s entirely possible to keep any type of user of WordPress out and away from the dashboard and put everything they need on the front-end. For Today’s WordPress Wednesday post we’re going to focus on the most requested features for the front-end and that is posting, editing and uploading content and images.

The following 6 WordPress Plugins are some of the most highest quality solutions available for free from the WordPress plugin directory

1. WP User Frontend

This plugin gives the ability to the user to create new post, edit post, edit profile from site front-end. So users doesn’t need to enter the admin panel. Everything they need to do can be done from the front-end.


This features of this plugin are follows:

  • User can create a new post and edit from front-end
  • They can view their page in the custom dashboard
  • Users can edit their profile
  • Administrator can restrict any user level to access the WordPress back-end (/wp-admin)
  • New posts status, submitted by users are configurable via admin panel. i.e. Published, Draft, Pending
  • Admin can configure to receive notification mail when the users creates a new post.
  • Configurable options if the user can edit or delete their posts.
  • Users can upload attachments from the front-end
  • Post featured image can be set
  • Admins can manage their users from front-end
  • Pay per post or subscription on posting is possible

2. DIV Layer Editor

This plugin is great for making changes to your themes. Edit any WordPress theme from the front of your website. Just click on a part of your website to edit it. Then save different versions of your themes as child themes.

3. Front End Upload

This plugin will facilitate uploading files to your server, which by nature should be considered risky.  The author of this plugin want make sure  that you have taken the proper precautions in protecting your uploads folder from prying eyes and malicious intent. At the very least make sure you’ve uploaded an empty index.html or index.php to prevent directory listing.

Front End Upload takes a number of precautions to hopefully prevent unwanted file uploads but please be mindful that server configuration can help prevent unwanted outcomes.

4. Raptor Editor

WP Raptor is a plugin for WordPress that not only replaces the standard editor with Raptor Editor, it also allows one to edit posts in place.


  • Removes the need to have two tabs open to perfect your post content & layout – with Raptor Editor fully integrated into WordPress, one can write & update WordPress posts in-place!
  • Use Raptor Editor on the main post editing screen, dashboard quick edit and even when viewing your posts in place.
  • WP Raptor combines the power of Raptor Editor with WordPress’ inbuilt media library. Upgrade your WordPress editing capability without losing access to your existing media library!

5. Profile Builder

This plugin lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or register new users (front-end registration). Also, grants users with administrator rights to customize basic user fields or add custom ones.

To achieve this, just create a new page and give it an intuitive name(i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode(for the previous example): [wppb-edit-profile]. Publish the page and you are done!

6. Nmedia User File Uploader

This plugin lets the wordpress site users to upload files for admin. Each file is saved in private directory so each user can download/delete their own files after login. This plugin also comes in a Pro wordpress plugin that have more feature which you can read here .


  • Flash Uploader
  • Ajax based validation
  • File Detail
  • Download Files
  • Delete File
  • Customized Upload Message, Delete Message

Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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