Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Store Safely Your Website All-Important Info in a Single Place

To begin with, forgetting is one of the processes of human memory, and is as natural as the reminding and recollecting. As a rule, people tend to forget things that are of no vital meaning for them or if it of no interest or does not meet their needs. Surely each of us have noticed how easy it’s to remember text of a song you like, and how hard it is to memorize some uninteresting text tutorials.

It is believed that the rate of memory depends on the amount of memorized material, on its content and the degree of awareness, of the similarity of memorized material, depends the degree of importance of memorized material and incorporating it into human activity. Hence, the fact that things that are new for an individual, hard to understand, are of no matter, things individual does not use in his life are not only difficult to remember, but are easily forgotten.


  • Interesting things are remembered easily;
  • The deeper your understanding in a specific subject, the better it will be remembered;
  • If a person has a setting to remember information, he will “store” it easier;
  • Information that’s used in everyday activity is remembered better;
  • If the info is associated with familiar concepts new stuff is digested better;
  • Similar concepts overlay older informational entries;
  • Entry level and concluding information is remembered better;
  • The info that was repeated several times is better remembered;
  • Pending actions, tasks and understated phrases are remembered the best.

If you are here, than you definitely have a website, and 70% percent possibility this is a WordPress website. So, you definitely got loads of data you contrive to forget. Here is why you need a checklist where you can enter all your valuable data. This list helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out your website tasks. A basic example is the “to do list“. A more advanced checklist would be a schedule, which lays out tasks to be done according to time of day or other factors.

Store Safely Your Website All Important Info in a Single Place

Download the file

How to use this file? Simply enter your info into corresponding fields and print the page, that’s it.

P.S. The most reliable way to remember passwords is offered by the German intelligence. The fighters of invisible and offered to make phrases like: “I see you, I foresee you” which can be easily turned into numeric letter combination: 1Cu14Cu.

Source : blog[dot]templatemonster[dot]com


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