Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spice up your video with these cool effects!

Tired of a boring mundane video? Use effects to attract your audience and spice up your video. All you need is your video loaded up on Adobe Premiere!

To begin your video editing, choose the video you would like to alter and open it up on Adobe Premiere. Move your video onto the timeline to get started. Next, click on the Effects tab on your work screen. This picture will help you to locate this tab.

After you have located the effects tab, feel free to browse around and choose an effect which is appropriate for your video type and purpose. In this tutorial we will work on turning a video into sepia coloring. In order to do this most effectively, we will first convert the video into black and white to eliminate the heavy blue color already present in the video. If you feel your video has even lighting that will not effect the sepia tone, omit this step.

Open the Image Control folder under your effects tab and drag the Black & White effect onto the video footage in the timeline. Next go to Window at the top toolbar and click Effect Controls. Like adjustment layers in Photoshop, these effects will not alter the original footage. Instead they act as a layer on top of the video. Once you have played around with the black and white effect, we can now add the sepia tone. Now under the same tab that we found the black and white, we will locate the Tint effect. Once you have found this drag it onto the timeline and use Effect Controls to change the Map color from black to a brownish tint that will produce the sepia effect. It should look similar to this.

When you have chosen a color that suites your preference, click OK. Lastly, fix the Amount of Tint level in Effect Controls according to your preference.

Make sure that you are happy with your new addition and do not forget to save your work!

I hope this tutorial was helpful in adding a simple touch to a mundane video :)
By: Felice Amoo-Achampong

Source : digicompdiy[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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