Sunday, November 11, 2012

Simple Ideas for Marketing your Business or Startup

Internet entrepreneur’s are born every week as we see more and more websites published online. This is a goldmine of resources and the value we develop on the Internet is practically unmatched in modern technology. Having the ability to share information halfway across the globe is truly a wondrous means of communication.

For this article I want to share just a few basic marketing techniques for online businesses. When launching your own website or startup idea it’s tough to get your name out there. Bringing in some initial traffic is very difficult. But I hope to shed some light on a few methods which are slightly unconventional, but offer strong outreach into untapped markets.

Physical Branding

There is always a lot of talk about digital marketing, but what about the physical world? There are so many ideas when it comes to branding your product from printing letterheads to pens and t-shirts. The production company PrintRunner offers relatable services to include envelopes and magnets for your refrigerator.

You have to consider that marketing with physical products is a lot slower than online. But it also demonstrates how you can make fans for life who simply adore your company. Users who will purchase your personalized pens or stickers are often going to be around for the long haul. You can take advantage of this by reselling products on your own company store.

There are plenty of startups which have done this including Grooveshark, Twitter, Digg, and Reddit. You will not become rich with this marketing platform. But it is a method for getting your name out into the real world where people can see it and maybe look you up in their free time.

Purchasing Ad Space

With online advertising websites it is now easier than ever to get your startup onto big-named websites. Purchasing ad space on a magazine such as Mashable is not always a possibility. The cost of entry is too steep and you will barely notice any boosts after the initial marketing campaign.

Instead you should focus on a smaller auction house like BuySellAds. Using their system you have the ability to sort through website categories like business, design, and media. This leads to a much larger source of interested traffic who may spend some time investing into your startup or business idea. This is how people can find websites and eventually grow into fans for life!

Building for Mobile Support

Lots of consumers are accessing the Internet via smartphones and tablet devices. This is one hugely popular area of technology which is not yet flooded with advertising revenues. Smaller tech startups would be wise to cater their website for a mobile audience.

If you have the ability to launch your own native mobile application this may be worth the time as well. Marketing your startup or company within the Android Marketplace or iOS App Store is a huge proponent to success. The theory is that mobile users will only grow over the years and your advertising efforts will scale in time.

Create a Production Video

Streaming video on the web is also a hugely popular topic among tech enthusiasts. Internet access has become a lot faster with 1MB/s speeds becoming increasingly common. This means you have more potential users who can check out videos which explain your product.

If you’re creating a website or application then a quick 2-3 minute introductory video will often perform very well. Two of my favorite examples include Dropbox and Foursquare which feature videos on their homepage layout. If you can film in 720p HD it may be worth uploading a copy to YouTube as well.

Even standard 480p videos would do well on YouTube, Metacafe, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and other streaming video services. You can draw a lot of attention to your website while also explaining the potential benefit to new users. Video production is a marketing source which practically sells itself, provided enough initial effort.


Marketing for any field or product is tough to work with. Finding a solution which meets the largest audience is often the goal, but rarely met with success. New startups should not rely solely on this list of ideas.

I have merely provided a series of starting points for Internet marketing and beyond. Getting your brand out to the world is tough but not impossible. I hope you enjoy these ideas and may apply some to your daily routines. Whether you see positive results or no results at all, there is always something to learn from the experience.

Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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