Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Help Someone To Turn It Around

Here’s your mission for the next week.

Find someone who looks uninspired and find a way to inspire them.

Find someone who feels discouraged and encourage them.

Find someone who looks lost and point them in the right direction.

Find someone who thinks that life is hopeless and give them a reason to hope again.

A funny thing happens when you start to look for such opportunities.  You find them everywhere.

And by helping someone to turn things around and see life from a different perspective, you have the potential to make a significant impact on the world around you.

You won’t be able to influence everyone, but it’s worth a try.

There will be benefits for yourself as well.

As you look for opportunities to help people to turn their thoughts around, you’ll feel better about yourself, focus less on your own problems and become more sensitive to those around you.

And even if there are no benefits for you, I think that it’s still worth doing.

Over the next week, don’t waste the chance to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life.

What are you going to do to help someone turn it around?

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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