Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Today we are going to create an attractive Christmas gift box in Adobe Photoshop. This will create in a very simple even a beginner of Photoshop can make this easily. There is no need of any extra skills for this. We will use here some vector tools and gradient from layer styles. Red color will be use for gift box and yellow for wrapping. As you all know that red color is the color the Christmas if you analyze things related to Christmas mostly all those would be in red color e.g. Santa, caps etc. so we are using red color in the order to evoke the spirit of the Christmas in this tutorial. Follow the steps and create your own Christmas gift box and leave your comments regarding this.

Step 1:

Create new document which size should be 600 x 450 pixels and color mode RGB.

Step 2:

Select rounded rectangle tool from toolbar and change radius value in option window and make that 4 pixels. Then draw that rounded rectangle with changed value on your canvas.

christmas gift box step 2 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 3:

Apply linear gradient and bevel effect on rounded rectangle using following layer settings windows.

christmas gift box step 3 bevel effect How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Here are values of gradients and location

  1. #ad1b1b – location 0
  2. #ae1a1a – location 42
  3. #d52020 – location 64
  4. #e45050 – location 100

christmas gift box step 3 gradient effect How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

After apply both effects you will see this on your canvas.

christmas gift box step3 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 4:

Again select rounded rectangle tool with same radius value (4 pixels) and draw on the top of existing rounded box. Apply same effects which we have applied in Step 3 but one effect of drop shadow will be added on this box which settings you can see in following window.

christmas gift box step 4 drop shadow effect How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Now this image you will get after implementation of drop shadow.

christmas gift box step 4 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop


Our box is almost ready in step4 and now in this step we are going to wrap it now. Draw now a rectangle and give yellowish gradient layer style on this.

christmas gift box step 5 gradient effect How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Apply these values with on mentioned locations for gradient

  1. #febf04 – location 0
  2. # ffd65e – location 100

Now place this rectangle vertically and horizontally center on the rounded rectangle which we created in step 2. You will get this view now.

christmas gift box step 5 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 6:

Duplicate rectangle of step 5 and reduce the height of this and place on the upper box like this.

christmas gift box step 6 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 7:

Draw an oval now on your canvas

christmas gift box step 7 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

And then again select ellipse tool and select Subtract command from Option bar and draw new oval on current like this shape.

christmas gift box step 7 1 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 8:

Now rotate this oval shape using CTRL + T and then make mirror of this. So you will find shape like this.

christmas gift box step 8 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 9:

Now select both layers of ovals and press CTRL + E for merge them and apply gradient and shadow from layer style windows.

Use below mentioned gratient color values

  1. #feb602 – location 0
  2. #fdfe03 – location 75

christmas gift box step 9 gradient window How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Give these values in drop shadow settings

christmas gift box step 9 drop shadow window How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

After that you will find this effect.

christmas gift box step 9 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 10:

Now select the banner shape from custom shapes

christmas gift box step 10 1 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

And draw behind the oval shapes

christmas gift box step 10 2 How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Step 11:

Now unhide the boxes layers and bring all them to front of these shapes.

christmas gift box step final How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop


This is the final step in which we have applied a background on gif box and you can give your desired backgrounds just like this.

christmas gift box final How to Make Christmas Gift Box in Photoshop

Source : tutorialspalace[dot]com


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