Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Who’s Your Pacemaker?

Hobby cyclists or joggers will often measure their progress against someone who’s in front of them, known as a pacemaker.

They may aim to catch up to them or just maintain the same distance between them, but either way, having someone in front can be extremely motivating.

Similarly, musicians speak of their childhood heroes, those who through their talent and song-writing inspired them to pick up an instrument and continue practicing.  They constantly listen to those who influence their style and are challenged to keep improving their own craft.

Great athletes, chefs, comedians, actors, scientists and writers all have their pacemakers.

They are also used by people wanting to lose weight, become better public speakers or better leaders.

There’s something powerful and highly motivating about having people in your life who are doing what you are doing, only better.

You can look at those who have gone before you and use their impact to inspire you to greater levels of achievement.

It shows you what is possible.

It keeps you focused.

It compels you to keep improving.

Who’s your pacemaker?

Who are you watching and learning from?

Who is just in front of you, silently calling out for you to catch up?

If you have one, awesome.

If you don’t have one, look around and find someone who can inspire you.

If you are a pacemaker, keep running.  You’re inspiring us and keeping us moving too.

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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