Tuesday, December 25, 2012

10 Things I’m Grateful For This Christmas

I love Christmas!

It’s a wonderful time of year and as I reflect on the year that’s just about to end, there are lots of things that I’m extremely grateful for.

I am also very aware that Christmas isn’t always a joyous event for everyone, but I hope that by remembering the aspects of life that we’re grateful for, we can change our perspective and make it a happier and more rewarding time.

To get us started, here are 10 things that I’m grateful for this Christmas:

  1. My health – Even though I started the year in hospital with kidney stones, when I look at the plights of others I am incredibly grateful for my health.
  2. My family – I have a great wife and three beautiful children. They’re not perfect, but neither is their husband and father. Most importantly, they love and accept me for who I am and for that I will forever be grateful.
  3. My church – I have been fortunate to have worked for the past two and a half years at CityLife Church. It’s not a perfect organisation, but it is a wonderful one. They are terrific people who are passionate about positively impacting the world and I’m proud to be a partner with them.
  4. My country – I’m a proud Australian and love this nation. I know that we’re not perfect, but we’re getting there. We are a free, diverse, fun-loving nation and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
  5. Our business opportunity – To have the chance to launch a business that fully utilises our skills and passions whilst making a positive difference in the careers and life directions of others is an enormous privilege and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to pursue this unique and exciting business.
  6. My readers and clients – I consider myself to be the most fortunate blogger going around. I know of many bloggers who have stopped using comments on their blogs because of insulting and abusive statements left on their sites. I have a wonderful group of readers and clients who have been supportive and encouraging from the very beginning and for that, I am extremely grateful.
  7. My home and lifestyle – As I write this post from my office at home, I count myself to be extremely blessed with a lovely home. To be able to work from home and spend a lot of time with my family is something else that I’m grateful for.
  8. Great thinkers and writers – This year I’ve been privileged to have read some terrific books and blogs. Such brilliant people have taught me lessons, given me insights and inspired me to become a better writer myself.
  9. This blog – When I started this blog almost three years ago, I could never have imagined how much I have enjoyed the process of sharing my ideas with the world. Before I started this site, I felt that I was wasting my evenings. I haven’t felt that way for a long time, and for that I’m grateful.
  10. The reason I celebrate Christmas – There are lots of things that I love about Christmas, but more than anything, I’m grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  He’s my saviour and King and I’ll always be grateful that He loves me and has a plan for my life.

As I consider all of the things that I’m grateful for this year, it may seem that I have a dream life.  The reality is that not everything in my life is perfect, but I choose to focus on the positives and the opportunities, not the negatives and the problems.

I pray that Christmas is a time of great joy for you and your family and that despite the challenges that the day sometimes comes with, that you have a list of things that you can sit back, reflect on and be grateful for.

What are you grateful for this Christmas?

Source : betterlifecoachingblog[dot]com


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