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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lubuntu 12.04 Wireless Performance

Ubuntu 12.04 did not make my old pentium III laptop any happier when it comes to wireless support (in my case the Belkin rt2571F usb 54MB key). Release 12.04 being a Long Term Support (LTS) release, I was hopping that several long standing Ubuntu wifi problems might be fixed. Since the 10.04 Lucid Lynx release, the problem of intermittent / choppy wireless connectivity has existed in Ubuntu/Lubuntu, disappointing many users including me. So how...

Poll Results: Version Control Usage

The latest poll on CSS-Tricks was all about version control usage. People voted on how much they use version control, from never to using on every single project. Here's the breakdown: And now a few paragraphs worth of ALT text for that image: The winning choice was "I use version control on every project I work on" at 35%. I'm not going to beat around the bush here: version control is a good idea and this amount of use is...

urdu tutorials html 1

Free tutorials, concise and conceptual knowledge. Learn fast with fast tutorials from Pak Taleem Download Link to context editor: Video Rating: 4 / 5 Source : scriptnuke[dot]...

The Good News and Bad News About Success

I’ll give you the bad news first. To be successful, you will need to work harder than most others. You will need to be disciplined enough to say “no” to good things so that you can say “yes” to the best. You will need to be committed to life-long learning. You will be kept up at night as you carefully consider your options. You’ll be forced out of your comfort zone. You’ll need a thick skin to ignore the barbs of the cynics. And even after you’ve done all of this, there’s no guarantee that everything will work out according to...

Freebie Thursday – 31st of January – Eco-friendly tags and stickers Free PSD

Today’s freebie is a set of clean tags and stickers with environment, ecological themes: Bio and Eco-friendly, 100% Organic. Get it in an editable PSD format, add your text, and make a custom labels. You are free to use this file for both personal and commercial purposes. Download from Duck Files About these ads div.wpadvert>div { margin-top: 1em; } Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]...

One Step Above the Offtake: Magento One-Step Checkout

Tweet In the world of eCommerce one cannot live without optimizations. Technologies evolve as well as human laziness. Going through several pages at a checkout is no longer appropriate, users need things that are simplified greatly, things that allow simply switch off the brain and do everything automatically, pressing the button Continue… On way of simplifying there appeared One-Step Checkout that allows buy stuff at online...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Taking Google’s New Image Search for a Test Drive

Last week, Google announced that they were going to make changes to their image search tool. They said it was going to be faster, more beautiful and more intuitive. Guess what – they were right. Come along while I take Google’s new image search for a test drive. Keyword: The Birds At first, image search looks just like it did before the switch. But once you click on a photo, everything changes. The chosen photo used to load in an iframe...

5 Ways to Improve Blog Visibility ASAP

5 Ways to Improve Blog Visibility ASAP was originally published on, home of expert search engine optimization tips. Clients often ask us about blogging best practices, and how to increase the visibility and quality of content on their blog. This is a big question to answer, and an even bigger answer to give. True, a blog is an extension of your site (in some cases, a blog is the entire site). So you need to apply SEO best practices...

Which is Better Mobile Apps or Mobile Sites?

The first month I owned an iPhone, I discovered that not all websites are created equal. Many of my favorite sites were hard to read or totally inaccessible through the browser on my phone. Apps, however, were a joy to behold and I couldn’t get enough of them. Now that I’m more of an iPad user, the browser is less of a problem. I still run into sites that don’t function properly but it’s not as big of an issue. (At the moment, I’m unhappy...

Introduction to Backbone.js Part 1: Models Tutorial

Introduction to Backbone.js Part 1: Models Tutorial We’ll cover everything you need to know on how to get started using models in Backbone.js. They’re quite simple, yet have some powerful features. Backbone.js Series Articles: Part 1: Models: Part 2: Views: Part 3: Routers: Part 4: Collections: Part 5: AJAX: Backbone.js App Walkthrough Articles Part 1: HTML and Models: Part 2: Views and Templates: Part 3: External Templates:...

Open Source Project Management App With Ruby on Rails – SprintApp

SprintApp is a professional project management service that also shares its full code as open source. The application is built with Ruby on Rails, has a modern interface and comes with lots of features. Tickets/issues are the core of the system. A group of tickets form milestones and milestones are bound to projects. These tickets can be assigned to users or teammates can follow their statuses, the time spent on each can be measured...

Core Reasons Why Every Freelancer Needs a Blog?

If freelancers could choose to have only one tool for their business, without a doubt it would be a blog. There are countless benefits freelancers can gain by owning a blog. It can serve as a portfolio, a way how to attract more clients and blogs can even generate some extra income. It doesn’t matter if you are creating your blog for branding or exposing your business because having a blog is always profitable and not only in the monetary...

Typographic furniture

While typography is typically a two-dimensional proposition, the communication design students at the University of Applied Science in Dusseldorf have expanded the practice to 3-D. As an exercise in three-dimensional letterforms and their applications, the school’s budding designers crafted typographic furniture for each letter of the alphabet. The goal was clear: seek to combine artistic expression and readability with functionality....

13 New Templates Added to Mockup Everything!

Food & Beverage, Date Night & Apparel The Mockup Everything team has just welcomed a new addition to our team, Aaron Roberts, and he has been a Mockup Everything rockstar, helping to churn out new templates for all you MUE users! Keep your suggestions coming by hitting us up through the Get Satisfaction Community Page (just click on the “feedback” tab in MUE) or through the Mockup Everything Contact Form....