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Monday, December 31, 2012

Origami Branding Case Study by Mohammed Mirza

Nothing better than post a nice case study about visual identity and logo construction for the first post of 2013. For this post we will have the visual identity for the brand Origami by Mohammed Mirza from Hamad Town, Bahrain What we really like on these case studies is how the designers create the logo, from the research about symbols to explore to the basic modules for the symbol. Origami...

AutoCAD Lesson 1.flv Video Rating: 5 / 5 Source : scriptnuke[dot]...

Happy New Year From Marketing Pilgrim

Have a happy and safe new year celebration. We hope 2013 brings you all the best. We will you again on Wednesday January 2, 2013. Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]...

Consulting the Marketing Pilgrim Crystal Ball: Trends for 2013

It’s the last day of the year, time to stop looking back and start looking at the future. Here are my predictions in regard to the hot marketing trends of 2013. Mobile Done Right 2012 may have been the year mobile marketing found its legs, but 2013 will be the year we get it right. Instead of simply pushing online content out to smartphones and tablets we’ll start creating content specifically design to take advantage of mobile’s strengths....

Foursquare to Display Full Names In Addition to Other Privacy Changes

Foursquare is one of those unique applications that I thought would fade away before the dawning of 2013. Not so. They emailed everyone they know yesterday to say that they’re celebrating their 3,000,000,000th check-in. And in return for all this user loyalty, they’re loosening up their terms of service – which they say is no big deal at all. The update, which will go into effect on January 28, 2013, has two, very big changes. Here’s how...

Best Of 2012: 50 Free WordPress Themes

We have come to the end of 2012, and a new year is knocking or has already arrived in some areas of the world. High time for this article. Each year, hundreds of amazing free WordPress themes are released: the good, the bad and the ugly. Naturally, 2012 wasn't an exception. WordPress lovers received numerous free themes for their blogs and websites. In this round-up, we enlist 50 awesome free themes for self-hosted WordPress sites. Source...

My Best Articles of 2012

“Best” is such a subjective term. Says who? Determined how? Depending on the nature and goals of your blog, there are a few different ways you could determine the “best” articles. I’m not really selling anything here and don’t bother tracking conversions through to the How to SEO Your Site ebook page, nor to the SEO consulting page (which is likely going to come down soon since I’m too busy to offer phone consultations these days). For...

You Can Be a Hero on New Year’s!

Today is a big day, it is New Year’s Eve and many celebrate by drinking and/or using substances that impair their ability to drive safely. Today you can be a hero by stopping others from driving impaired and also by choosing to not drive impaired. Anytime you can save a life you are a hero [...] The post You Can Be a Hero on New Year’s! appeared first on Search Engine Journal. Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]...

New Year’s Resolution Guide for Developers: Getting Them Done!

The ending of a year is when everyone begins to reflect on the events of this past year. All the good, bad, horrible, and surprising events come into our minds for one final hurrah before a fresh start in the upcoming year. Well since we’re going to be reminiscing, it only makes sense to think of some ways to make the new year a smashing success. Right? Of course! Every developer has, or is going to, compile a list of things that they...

Typographic art

Good typography is an art: choosing the best type to complement the meaning of the content, balancing sizes and spacing for optimum readbility, and not drawing attention to itself in the process. But now designers and artists are increasingly taking typography a step further, blurring the lines between words and pictures. There are several different types (no pun intended) of typographic art, the main three forms being: phrases, usually...

Mobile Shopping Activities During Holiday Increase Year Over Year

We are so far past the “Year of Mobile” thinking that it’s time to consider how various pieces and parts of the mobile lifestyle are creating a stronger foothold in specific areas of the consumer buying habits. Holiday shopping is one area to be very cognizant of this since many retailers depend on the holiday season to either ‘make or break’ their year. Overall, there are reports that this holiday season was a disappointment to retailers...

Flash – Make a Simple Button in Flash

In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a “simple” flash button in Adobe Flash You can follow along with this tutorial in Macromedia Flash 8 or Adobe Flash CS3. In this tutorial I cover: Actionscript 2.0 The Button Symbol Motion Tweens Alpha Transparency Controlling the Timline NOTE: If you are using Flash CS3 like me, you must make an Actionscript 2.0 file. note: this is a remake of my first video, but it is better and shorter. Video Rating: 4 / 5 Source : scriptnuke[dot]...


Segunda entrega de los tutoriales de la web WWW.QUESUCEDE.TK de HTML en nivel basico, en este tutorial aprenderan a dar formato a el texto ya el fondo de el documento HTML Recuerden todos los tutoriales aqui Y suscribanse!!! Source : scriptnuke[dot]...

Framer – Prototyping Tool For Desktop & Mobile

Framer is an open source framework for easily building and testing complex interactions + rich animations for desktop and mobile layouts. It is built with web technologies and works by simply editing a JavaScript file with the functions provided. The layouts created are structured with views (like layers), there are animations provided and everything can be styled with either JavaScript or CSS. Source : internetw...

15 New Year’s resolutions for designers

It’s hard to believe that 2012 is coming to a close. We lived through the Mayan “apocalypse”. And we’re now looking at the start of another year. It’s traditional to make some New Year’s resolutions at the start of the year. 45% of Americans generally make New Year’s resolutions, while 38% absolutely never make them. The saddest statistic, though, is the percentage that stick to them: it’s a dismal 8%. But there’s hope: people who explicitly...

The Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2012

It’s been another exciting year for the Better Life Coaching Blog, with traffic and subscriber numbers continuing to increase from month to month. This blog has been going for almost three years now and has over 700 posts published, with a new post being added every weeknight (Australian time). As we launch into another exciting year, here are the posts that have been viewed the most in 2012. 50 Great Coaching Questions Always Take the High Road The Emperor’s Seed – A Story About Integrity The Donkey in the Well – A Story...

Blog.SpoonGraphics Design Tutorials Greatest Hits 2012

It’s that time of year when I reflect on another year’s worth of design tutorials here on Blog.SpoonGraphics and check over the stats to see which posts ended up proving the most popular. Here’s a roundup of the most popular tutorial posts from 2012 based on the number of StumbleUpon ‘thumbs up’ votes. Last year saw figures of around 14,000 likes for some of the popular posts of 2011, so it’s a big surprise to see this year’s most popular...