This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Open Source Social News App – Telescope

Telescope is an open source application for creating social news websites that has a similar functionality with Hacker News, Reddit, etc. The application is built with Meteor, a real-time JS framework, and it runs on nodejs. Every data in Telescope is displayed in real-time, it is possible to collect entries under categories and users can discuss on each entry easily. Two types of authentication exist: e-mail/pass or...

Holiday Shopping Trends Every Marketer Needs To Know [infographic]

While the holidays are typically a time where we slow down, relax a bit, and spend more time with family and friends, it is also a time when consumers are looking for great deals in their gift buying. Long before the masses hit the malls and online stores, smart marketers have their eyes on the shopping trends of the season that will determine the direction of their marketing efforts. The post Holiday Shopping Trends Every Marketer Needs...

Eye Tracking

Back in early October, I was at ConvergeFL to give a talk. JD Graffam of SimpleFocus and his team were also going to be there giving a workshop on eye tracking. We managed to work it out to do a real eye tracking session for while we were there. It was good timing, since I was just wrapping up the v10 redesign of this site. With eye tracking, you kinda gotta have something for the users to look at for it work (I know!)....

Freebie Thursday 29th of November – Circle Menu

Today freebie is a circle menu, it has an iconic colourful look and feel with a beautiful directional arrow. As always all the elements are layered in the psd file and you can easily modify it as per your requirement. Download from Freebies Gallery Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]...

Using Inline SVGs with HTML5

It goes without saying that SVG isn’t as widely used as many people in the web development community might believe it should be. Setting the debate aside, in this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use inline SVGs, covering a range of techniques and exploring the interaction between web page and graphic. When used in conjunction with other emerging standards in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3, inline SVGs can significantly add to the user experience....

Trench Warfare: Google Analytics’ Best Updates, Common User Mistakes

We recently had a sit down with Jen Cykman, Web Analyst and Instructor for Cardinal Path, a digital analytics and marketing agency that offers training seminars on Google Analytics. Jen is a self-professed data nerd that likes nothing better than to sit down and hover over a big ball of data and tease it into [...] The post Trench Warfare: Google Analytics’ Best Updates, Common User Mistakes appeared first on Search Engine Journal. ...

Street Art In Thailand: Chiang Mai Graffiti

The meaning of a street artist’s work comes not only from its content, but also the laws, politics and religion, both official and unofficial, that govern the region. In Chiang Mai, in Thailand, street art is not necessarily illegal – the streets are filled with trash, good luck symbols and homemade signs – but many natives will tell you it is a form of expression that has no connection whatsoever with their country. They claim the...

Top 10 SEO Blockbusters on Twitter this November

It’s the last day of the month, and we take a look at the movers and shakers in our industry, bringing you the most popular articles by number of Twitter shares. Naturally, Twitter metrics are indicative of an article’s popularity within the niche, but also an indication of quality. It is thus safe to say [...] The post Top 10 SEO Blockbusters on Twitter this November appeared first on Search Engine Journal. Source : internetwe...

JavaScript Video Tutorial Pt 7

I explain how to dynamically validate forms using JavaScript. This is also a review on how to use the Document Object Model and Regular Expressions. Code is Here: Video Rating: 5 / 5 Source : scriptnuke[dot]...

50+ Inspirational Fresh WordPress Site Designs

WordPress is a free blogging tool and vibrant content management system which is based on PHP and MySQL. Many of you may already know that instantShift is also powered by WordPress. If you are in search of good CMS or a web tool for your projects, we strongly recommend WordPress to you. WordPress is a great tool, and best thing is FREE! Now days Creative Designs is one of the key aspects for improving your website’s traffic and pagerank....