Monday, December 24, 2012

jQuery Form Validation – Part 2

In this tutorial I will take you through the process of validating a form with jQuery. You should also validate with PHP as its easy to turn javascript off. HTML Source Code: Regular Expression Used: var regexp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]+.[az]{2,4}$ /;
Video Rating: 5 / 5

este es un video de como hacer un boton en javascript facil rapido y simple, el cual cuando le damos click aparecera el mensaje que queramos. this is a simple javascript code where you can create a button and when you click it a message will appear. αυτο είναι ένα τουτόριαλ για να φτιάχσεισ ενα κουμπί χρισημοποιώντας τη γλώσσα προγραμματισμού javascript, οταν πατησεις το κουμπί θα εμφανιστεί το μήνυμα που θέλεις! απλά και γρήγορα. Another night slowly closes in, And I feel so lonely. Touching heat freezing on my skin, I pretend you still hold me. I’m going crazy, I’m losing sleep. I’m in too far, I’m in way too deep over you. I can’t believe you’re gone. You were the first, you’ll be the last. Wherever you go, I’ll be with you. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. Whenever you need someone To lay your heart and head upon. Remember: after the fire, after all the rain, I will be the flame. I will be the flame.

Source : scriptnuke[dot]com


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