Monday, December 31, 2012

Mobile Shopping Activities During Holiday Increase Year Over Year

We are so far past the “Year of Mobile” thinking that it’s time to consider how various pieces and parts of the mobile lifestyle are creating a stronger foothold in specific areas of the consumer buying habits. Holiday shopping is one area to be very cognizant of this since many retailers depend on the holiday season to either ‘make or break’ their year.

Overall, there are reports that this holiday season was a disappointment to retailers as a whole. Mobile shopping habits may not create more sales, but if it is becoming the way that more shoppers are buying, no matter how much or how little that might be, it is a key element for marketers to be looking at as the plans start for the 2013 holiday shopping season and beyond.

So just how are consumers using mobile to shop during the holiday push? A study reported by eMarketer that was performed by GfK Roper for SapientNitro shows that consumers are doing more with their mobile devices as they shop.

2011 2012 Comparison of How Shoppers Use Smartphones

Interesting numbers but I would have to wonder what the makeup of the respondents was when nearly 3/4 of them said they bought something using their mobile device. Seems a bit high.

A Motorola Solutions study gives some other data which is more vague in definition of the activity but sounds a bit more reasonable.

In Store Retail Technologies

Without getting into the details and picking apart what may or may not be true, it is safe to say that mobile devices and shopping are more bound together than at any other time and that is likely to be a trend that will only continue to grow.

As a marketer are you ready to take advantage of this trend? Are you prepared to help consumers buy from you when they are using their mobile devices? Are you starting now to prepare for the holiday shopping push for 2013 as it seems to start earlier and earlier each year?

Now is not the time to ‘take a break’. Now is the time to put your foot on the gas to make sure that no matter how good or bad the holiday shopping season of 2013 is you are giving consumers the chance to buy the way that they want to buy and not the way that you WANT or NEED them to buy.

Are you ready?

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Source : internetwebsitedesign[dot]biz


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