Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WordPress Wednesday – 8 Free Recently Released WordPress Plugins

When talking about WordPress, staying up to date with the latest things is a must and this rule also applies when talking about WordPress plugins too, considering the large number of new plugins that are launched on a daily basis.

Once again for today’s WordPress Wednesday post features 8 recently released WordPress plugins that are free and are from the Plugin Directory

1. MailChimp Importer


The MailChimp Importer is a WordPress plugin that can automatically import your MailChimp newsletters as WordPress posts. By using the WP Cron functionality it will automatically go out at the interval you specify and download the text version of your newsletters for you. Through the settings you can set the author and categories that get assigned to the post.

If you don’t want to import the newsletters but show links to the archives we offer a shortcode to do that. By placing [ mailchimp ] anywhere in your post or page it will use the settings and grab your newsletters. You can also override the settings by adding attributes to your shortcode.

2. Life Hack


Likehack shows content feed of links curated by you or people you follow on Facebook and Twitter (without lolcats, Instagram photos and TMI posts). As a result, your readers see clear curated content feed from your social accounts, that can be really engaging and interesting.

3.  IPVenger


IPVenger uses NorseCorp IPViking live threat assessment technology to evaluate each IP requesting access to your WordPress site.

When a request comes in, the IP address is sent to the IPViking server, which assigns a numerical risk factor based on live data. IPs whose risk factor exceeds a user-configurable threshold are blocked before they can harm your site. Detailed analytics are provided, as is the ability to blacklist specific IP addresses and countries of origin.

4. Good Question


Simple plugin to prevent spam bots registration on your site. Allows you to create a unique question on the registration form, easy for humans, but not solvable for the bot.

Displays simple choice questions on the registration form. User must select all the correct answers, if the user makes a mistake – it will display an error message and registration will fail.

5. Responsive Logo Slideshow


Responsive Logo Slideshow provides a powerfull and nice javascript/DHTML Slideshow/Slider for WordPress. It can be integrated anywhere on your Blog/Website (Looks best in Footer). This plugin shows 10 of your most favourite Logos with a Link to their Homepage. This is perfect for everybody providing Webdesign or any other Service to show their references:

6. Mobile Content


Mobile Content plugin allows you to use shortcodes to display different content, in your posts or pages, depending on the device it is being viewed on. Using these shortcodes you can specify to only show certain content to computers, tablets, or mobile phones. You can also target OS like iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Kindle.

7. SliceShow


SliceShow plugin for WordPress allows you to very quickly and easily create beautiful slide shows on your site. You can add titles and links that will overlay the images in your slideshow

8. Synved WordPress Shortcodes


WordPress Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful elements to your site. The plugin comes bundled with the full set of elements, all absolutely free of charge.

Source : creativeproject[dot]wordpress[dot]com


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