Friday, February 1, 2013

The Secret of One Page Appeal

The Secret of One Page AppealWhat picture do you see in your mind when you think about website navigation?…We bet you imagine a clickable menu, guiding the user from page-to-page. Undoubtedly, the method is efficient and time-tested. Nevertheless, we offer you to think harder and find among these one pagers some creative approaches to web design in general and navigation in particular.

Did you ever ask yourself a question why one page designs are so popular among famous world brands, like Nike and Volkswagen, for instance? Read on and we will try to make out the secret of one pagers’ irresistible appeal.

1. Creativity.
Let’s start from creativity. It’s in human nature to notice everything that stands out against the uniform mass. One page websites are not so widely spread through the web as traditional multi page ones, so they inevitably raise visitors’ interest by their dissimilarity. Besides, one page designs are often so mind-boggling, that it’s simply impossible to leave them without viewing all content.

2. Simple Content Accessibility.
At this point, we approach the second component of one pagers attractiveness. When the first interest has been warmed up by not trivial look, the user understands that browsing won’t take much time as all information is placed compactly on one page. We all like to get what we want straight away, so such accessible content arrangement is highly beneficial.

3. Interactivity.
The next advantageous feature of one pagers is their utmost interactivity. As a rule, sites have plenty of cool animation effects that respond visitor’s actions. Now this entertaining interactivity is reached with the help of HTML5 and JavaScript, which provides perfect rendering on most of the contemporary devices. Apart from visual effects, activated on click or roll over, sometimes, smart web developers incorporate moving objects into the page, which also add special zest to the page.

4. User-Friendly Navigation.
Studying one pagers, we can’t help admiring the ingenuity of their developers as navigation solutions are really brilliant. Surely you understand that we speak not only about vertical and horizontal scrolls, but about parallax sliding effects, hidden navigation bars, dynamic transitions and many others. The latest technologies are involved to ensure the highest level of usability and user-friendliness.

5. Cost-Efficient Development.
As to the process of one pagers development, it is considered rather swift, unsophisticated and cost-efficient. However, there is a fly in the ointment, one page websites are not universal, in other words, they work well not for each and every website. Therefore, before starting your one pager, it’s worth to mull over if it fits your project concept.

Actually, brand-centric websites and personal portfolios are the best examples illustrating the previous paragraph. They are not aimed to present loads of content, sooner they strive to focus the user on one or few products or services in visual feature driven manner. (By the way, if you are planning to launch your personal website, click here to browse through Personal Blog WordPress Themes, which might become your great starting point.)

Now you can view our gathering of one page websites and make your own assertion on their sensational designs and functional features.

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Let us draw your attention to the beautifully designed left sidebar, which has fixed position and doesn’t scroll with the rest of content. This way menu is constantly at user’s hand, so he/she can immediately jump to the next point.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Background of this website really rocks! All your way down, you observe the creative author’s play with sophisticated abstract black and white pattern.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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BEL 50

Have you noticed how content blocks from both sides grandly creep up to meet in the center of the page with each turn of your mouse wheel?

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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The given website is an outstanding example of efficient depth and perspective usage. Besides, it’s really fun to rotate the car model and view it from all sides clicking the arrows.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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The concept is striking with its minimalism. When you enter the home page, there is nothing there; all elements are hidden except four icons, showing menu items on hovering. You need several moments to find out how the website works.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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All action on this website takes place over the expressive static background. Navigation bars fly out and drop down on hovering.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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The amusing illustrative style of this website brings a smile on your face, and makes a perfect combination with parallax sliding effect.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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My Provence

This website in retro style strikes with designer’s imagination, thorough attention to minor details and perfect feel of the described epoch.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Browser Awareness Day

This cool website in grunge style makes use of mascots and odd fantastic elements to grab customers’ attention.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Sales Force

Main element of this page, designed in Chinese style, is a roll, which reveals the information as you scroll down. Smart move to make the presentation engaging!

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Apartment Story

From our viewpoint, transparent letters and typography showing the visitor only part of background photo are rather intriguing…

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Here you see a bright example of what we call creative approach, when even simple elements like navigational arrows on the right hand turn into artworks.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Helen Tsanos Sheinman

This personal website starts to tell us a story; we let this narrative tone carry us away as from first seconds we unconsciously want to know what is there in the end.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Team Nine

The combination of minimalism and simplicity of design with fantastic large background images makes a WOW effect when we enter the site.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Judith Kroeher

The effect of randomly scattered photos in this photographer’s portfolio creates the desired of look of professional studio. Photographer’s name is constantly before visitor’s eyes due to its fixed position.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Impress a Penguin

This cute penguin is an apt humorous personification of the company, conveying the website idea in simple unconventional manner.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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The Beauty Shoppe

On this website we observe uncommon layout variation – it is centered and narrowed, leaving some white space from all sides. Content blocks are visually separated from one another by oblique lines and contrast colors.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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The website has clean and accurate look, which is partially achieved with the help of properly applied lines and patterns.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Kitchen Sink Studios

Don’t you find that the website inherits infographics design principles? From our viewpoint this is the main secret of content ordering and digestability.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Teenage Engineering

Looking at this website, you can’t get out of the feeling that you are paging through a glossy magazine, so perfectly had the designer conveyed this spirit. Cat image makes the page extremely welcoming.

The Secret of One Page Appeal

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Do you have your own experience with one page websites creation and maintenance? What do you think makes them so efficient and attractive? Please leave your feedback in the comment section!

Source : blog[dot]templatemonster[dot]com


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